Performance Assessment of Rhetoric Course Based on Prophetic Value

Fahrudin Eko Hardiyanto


Abstract. Evaluation or assessment activities in learning are strategic and determine success in achieving educational goals. Assessment is often considered as one of the three main pillars that determine learning activities. The three pillars are planning, implementation and evaluation. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the performance assessment of rhetoric course based on the prophetic value?.Based on the formulation of the problem in this study, the results and conclusions of research that is assignment forms that can be used as assessment and learning process of the rhetoric coursethat are1) debate performance;2) speech performance so that the students become orator; 3) presentation performance so thatstudents become presenter; and performance by students who become master of ceremony.These forms of assessment are implemented through prophetic-based rhetoric learning by internalizing prophetic values, namely humanist, liberate, and transcendent values.


Keywords: evaluation, performance, prophetic, rhetoric.

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ISBN. 987-602-50654-0-8

Publisher: FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 3 & 6 Purworejo 54111, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, E-mail: , Telp: 0275-321494

Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Education (ICE)

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