Profile of Psychologycal Well Being of The Prisoners in Purworejo State Detention Center

Wanodya Kusumastuti, Ari Fajar Isbakhi, Erika Noviyanti


Abstract.This study claims to determine the profile of the mental health condition of Prisoners in Purworejo Detention Centers. This research is a preliminary study to look at the mental health of prisoners. These data it can be showed about the level of psychological well-being of every prisoner in detention center. The research uses action research methods. The study was carried out of the stage to diagnosis through the assessment process. Based on the assessment / examination of 129 fostered residents using mental health questionnaires, there were 13 prisoners who experienced severe psychological symptoms. The 13 prisoners psychological conditions experienced include, withdrawal, depression, self-injury, psychopathic tendencies, the idea of ​​suicide, suicide attempts and severe anxiety. These conditions indicate that not fully prisoners has a healthy mental state. Of course these conditions have an impact on the psychological well-being of the inmates. Therefore, based on the assessment data, it is used as a benchmark for measuring the psychological well-being of prisoners. Based on the scale of psychological well-being, the level of psychological well-being is shown in the following categories: 0-60 (low psychological well-being), 61-121 (moderate psychological well-being), 122-180 (high psychological well-being). Based on the scale given to 13 WBP with severe psychological problems, it shows a total psychological welfare score of 1557 with an average of 119.7. These conditions indicate that the level of psychological well-being of prisoners is at a moderate level. This means that psychological well-being is quite good because of the support from the family and the detention center. The diagnosis data is the basis for conducting the next stage (action taking) by providing interventions in the form of prophetic psychotherapy for prisoners with the aim of strengthening mental health and improving psychological well-being.


Keywords: Psychologycal Well Being, Prisoners, Purworejo State Detention Center

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ISBN. 987-602-50654-0-8

Publisher: FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 3 & 6 Purworejo 54111, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, E-mail: , Telp: 0275-321494

Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Education (ICE)

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