Ariesty Fujiastuti, Iis Suwarti


Professional educator who is primarily a change in ability and attitude towards a more competent private figure, master the material and methodology of learning with good and creative and can raise the motivation of learners in the learning process. Attempts to prepare professional educators is to develop textbook. One example of the development of textbook in courses Read critically and creatively. The development of textbook reading critical and creative needs to be packed with creative, innovative, and fun so that students are motivated and active in following the instruction. Textbook containing elements of motivation can affect the learning achievements of students. One of the models of motivation that can be used in a textbook model is ARCS. Motivation is often regarded as one of the elements is important and must be observed in making the textbook. The purpose of this writing is to develop and to find out the feasibility of the textbook to read critically and Creatively-driven ARCS to prepare professional educators. This textbook development method using Reasrch and Develompent (R&D). Step-by-step textbook development: conduct analysis products, develop the product early, expert validation and revision, test the readability of the product, and the final product. Test product development is done in 2 stages. Method of collecting data by using question form. The feasibility of the instrument bukuajare of learning media. Reabilitas validation and instrument using the construct validity. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis techniques. The final stages of this development is to test the feasibility and effectiveness. Based on the results of the research that's been done shows that the textbook to read critically and Creatively-driven ARCS can be used as learning materials. This book is one way of preparing professional educators. Textbook Reading critically and Creatively-driven ARCS show that an educator giving motivational learning not only at the time the learning process to take place, but it can be through a reading.

Keywords: Textbook, ARCS, Read critically and Creatively, professional

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ISBN. 987-602-50654-0-8

Publisher: FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 3 & 6 Purworejo 54111, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, E-mail: , Telp: 0275-321494

Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Education (ICE)

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Indexed Abstract