Aci Primartadi, Sugeng Sugeng


This study aims: 1) To develop a cylinder head overhoul learning media using cutting cylinder head. 2) To know the feasibility of learning media overhoul cylinder head using cutting cylinder head. 3) The influence of learning media overhoul cylinder head using cutting cylinder head to student learning outcomes. This research uses research and development (R & D) method with research subject, that is class XI TSM A SMK PN 2 Purworejo as experiment class with 25 students and class TSM A SMK PN 2 Purworejo as control class with 25 students. Data collection uses questionnaire method (questionnaire) to determine the feasibility of media used for the research. Data analysis test using normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test. The results of this research, showed that the learning media cutting head cylinder developed feasible as a medium of learning on the competence of cylinder head overhoul, in SMK PN 2 Purworejo. This can be proven from the results of validity made by experts professors of media who showed 90.00% of the criteria score, validation by lecturers of material experts who showed 85.00% of the score criteria. The cutting head cylinder learning medium also meets the quality criteria of instructional media. This is indicated through student response that includes small group test get 84.00% which includes 5 students and large group trials get score 85.70% covering 25 students. On student learning outcomes show student learning outcomes that do not use cutting head cylinder medium and that use cutting head cylinder media. After tested the prerequisite data analysis concluded normal and homogeneous distribution, through t-test with 5% error rate, the result t arithmetic greater than the t-table price is 3.393> 1.71. The differences between the experimental class and control class using learning media cutting head cylinder.

Keywords: learning media, cutting head cylinder, learning outcomes

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ISBN. 987-602-50654-0-8

Publisher: FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 3 & 6 Purworejo 54111, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, E-mail: , Telp: 0275-321494

Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Education (ICE)

(ICE) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Indexed Abstract