Systesmatic Literature Review: Pengembangan e-LKPD Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif untuk Meningkatkan Interaksi Sosial dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa

Haura Amara Rais, Nafida Hetty Marhaeni, Nuryadi Nuryadi


This research aims to systematically review the literature regarding the development of e-LKPD (electronic Student Worksheets) based on cooperative learning models and their impact on social interaction and student mathematics learning outcomes. The method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which involves collecting, analyzing and combining various related studies. The results of the review show that e-LKPD based on the cooperative learning model can significantly increase students' social interactions by encouraging cooperation, communication and collaboration in study groups. Apart from that, the implementation of e-LKPD has also proven effective in improving students' mathematics learning outcomes by providing more structured and interactive learning activities. Factors of success include task design that supports collaboration, use of technology that facilitates communication between students, and teacher support in managing group dynamics. Challenges identified include the need for adequate technological infrastructure and teacher training to optimize the use of e-LKPD. In conclusion, the development and implementation of e-LKPD based on a cooperative learning model is an effective approach to improving social interaction and student mathematics learning outcomes, as long as it is supported by adequate resources and appropriate training for educators.

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ISSN. 2459-962X

Prosiding Sendika

Publisher: Department of Mathematics Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

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