As we know, starting from 2022 the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has applied a new curriculum called “independent curriculum”, a kind of curriculum with various content of teaching-learning activity to let students more optimal and having enough time to deepen their understanding and to empower their competency. It is applied for every school level, starting from elementary school until universities, since it is considered being able to overcome the problem of “lost learning” of almost school students. There are some characteristics of this kind of curriculum such as: 1) content simplification and focus on essential material, 2) more flexible, and 3) more relevant and interactive. It is hoped that students will be able to learn any teaching material happily and reach their learning achievement in flexible ways. Students’ need and their learning style will always be considered in conducting teachinglearning activities. This is in line with the nature education, as our national education figure, Ki Hajar Dewantara states that education is basically the process of leading the growth of student’ potential capacity, so that as human being as well as the member of society, they will always be in safety and happy life beside having beneficial for others. The problem then is that how teachers must manage their classroom activity in order to meet the demand of that kind of curriculum. It must be started from their teaching preparation. Based on the literature study with some regulations published by the government, the teaching preparation is in the form of “learning objectives flow” and “teaching module”. These two documents must be developed on the right way and contains all elements needed to bring students reaching their learning outcomes, as suggested by independent curriculum. Then, this teaching preparation will be used by teachers as the guide in conducting teaching-learning activity. This paper is intended to describe how a good teaching preparation must be developed and what must it contains based on independent curriculum
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Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo
Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No 3 Purworejo Regency Central Java