Muh Kuntoaji


The purpose of the study is to find out: (1) whether and to what extent the combination between
project-based learning (proj. BL) and mind mapping can improve students’ writing skill on report
texts; and (2) how the class condition is along with the improvement of their writing skill.The
research was conducted at class XI IPA-2 of SMA Negeri 9 Purworejo in the academic year of
2017/2018. The research method was classroom action research with two cycle actions consisting
of four steps for each: (1) planning, (2) acting, (3) observing, and (4) reflecting. The number of the
participants is 24 consisting of 7 boys and 17 girls. The data in this study was taken from writing
test, observation on the class condition, and the participants and collaborator interview. All of them
were conducted three times: (1) at pre-cycle action, (2) at cycle-1, and (3) at cycle-2. Then, to
know whether the data was valid or not, the triangulation technique was applied. It means that the
data from the different instruments must be relevant. Then, the writer analyzed the data by using
descriptive comparative technique. It means that the results of each cycle were compared to know
whether the hypotheses were accepted and whether the result of the study met the indicators of
research success.Based on the result of descriptive comparative analysis of the data, there are two
main conclusions that can be drawn. The first, using the combination between project-based
learning (proj. BL) and mind mapping can improve students’ writing skill on report texts, dealing
with their ability in: (1) stating the main ideas, (2) providing supporting details, (3) using
appropriate words or phrases to express their ideas, (4) using English grammar to make wellformed
sentences, (5) using appropriate devices to create well-organized texts, and (6) using
appropriate writing mechanics to accomplish the purpose of the texts. It can be proved from the
result of the writing test conducted, namely from 57.33 at the previous condition, 67.58 at the first
cycle, and 69.67 at the second cycle. The second, there is an increasing on the class condition along
with the improvement of their writing skill. Therefore, it is recommended that: (1) it is better for
teachers to apply the combination between project-based learning (proj BL) and mind mapping in
teaching writing for report texts; (2) students are suggested to practice-and practice using this
learning methods to improve their writing skill, and (3) future researchers can use the result of this
study as the starting point of other similar research.
Keywords: writing skill – report texts – project based learning – mind mapping

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