Systematics Literature Review: Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Missouri mathematics project (MMP) Terhadap Peningkatan Berpikir Kreatif dan Keaktifan Siswa

Rifqi Nuryahya, Naffida Hetty Marhaeni, Arie Purwanto


This research aims to examine the influence of the Missouri mathematics project (MMP) learning model on increasing students' creative thinking and activeness through a systematic review of the literature. The MMP learning model is known as an approach that can increase student involvement in mathematics learning through structured and systematic steps. The research method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR) by collecting, analyzing and synthesizing various relevant research. The results of the study show that the application of the MMP model consistently has a positive impact on students' creative thinking abilities. This is demonstrated by the increasing ability of students to find alternative solutions, provide innovative ideas, and think outside the box. Apart from that, the MMP model has also proven effective in increasing student activity in class. Students who are involved in learning with this model are more active in participating in discussions, asking questions, and being involved in other learning activities. These findings indicate that the MMP model can be an effective strategy for improving the quality of mathematics learning. This research recommends the application of the MMP model at various levels of education as an effort to improve students' creative thinking skills and activeness in the learning process. Further studies with more diverse methods and broader samples are needed to strengthen these findings.

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ISSN. 2459-962X

Prosiding Sendika

Publisher: Department of Mathematics Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

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