Heru Purwanto


English as a foreign language (EFL) in Indonesia has become a compulsory subject
in secondary school to tertiary level university To improve students’ English competence,
there are many strategic efforts and materials implemented by the teachers. In teaching
and learning English, there are lots of methods used by the teacher to improve students’
English competence and performance. The teachers employ a wide variety of strategies
to improve their English skills. One of them is to use literature in studying language,
since literature and language are closely interrelated to each other.
This paper is aimed at discussing literature and language, several reasons for using
literature in studying language, and the use of literature in studying language.
Understanding these things will gradually lead the teachers to the benefits of literature
in language learning.
Almost all students in Indonesia have studied English for approximately 10 years,
but to some degree, their English communicative competence is very low in average. One
way to improve and motivate students is including literature into the language to study.
As literature is the use of language, teacher should integrate it with the language studied
by the students through various genres of literary works, i.e., prose, poetry, and drama,
the learning of English in the classroom setting can be enriched through a wide range of
procedures, such as: poem dictation, poem reading, poem writing, short story writing,
(providing pictures of two persons making dialogue taken from newspaper or magazine,
and writing short story based on theme given by the teacher), drama script writing, and
drama performance, especially for the students of language programs in Senior High
Key words : use, literature, studying, language

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